In an interview that an Ex KamemeTVv presenter Wanjiru Wa Waya had with another Famous interviewer called MC Ngugi Karanja, she revealed whether she has been dating Mbote Njogu who is a famous kikuyu comedian and a famous tiktoker.

Wanjiru Wa Waya who is also a famous Mugithi artist has never revealed whether she is in a serious relationship with Mbote or they are just friends shooting comedies.

In this interview, Wanjiru said that she has been dating Mbote from the time she was still working at Kameme and now she is married to him. Also, Mbote accepted and said that Wanjiru is his wife and they are now living together in their home.

Wanjiru said that she always feels comfortable with Mbote because he always accompanies her in her Mugithi shows in nightclubs as he always acts as her bodyguard. Wanjiru said Mbote is such a vibe.


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