TikTok star Baba Mona, real name May Kevin Oselu, his daughter Mona and two of his sisters tragically died in a car accident on Friday evening in Kericho County. The accident occurred on the Londiani-Muhoroni highway, near the Tunnel trading centre in Marenda sub-location.
Some minutes ago his younger brother has explained events that took place before the accident. According to him, the car had already jammed and the owner of the car told him the car has never disturbed him but it later started and the journey was ready to start.
The mother went ahead and sat at the back seat of the car and she become suspicious that the car might not reach where they were going. The mother asked him why the car appears like it will crush her children without knowing that was what was awaiting them on their way. The mother kept calling them to know how they are but all of a sudden they received the most devastating news that her children were no more.
by: Sir.waweru