Apparently, Kenyan women never submit to their men. Mwalimu King’ang’i told Maina Kingangi on the breakfast show today, “Submission starts financially. I commend those couples that have one bank account. If you are earning more money you should give your husband that money for him to plan for the family.”
He continued, “Submission starts by realising there has to be a head in that family. The control comes through money, and that money needs to be given guidance. Give your man your salary, that is money for the family. I encourage couples to have one bank account, If you are going to submit do it utterly and completely.”
Mwalimu then warned Maina not to go against this school of thought.
“We are a family, we are one. Maina usiharibie wengine (don’t spoil for others), especially if she is earning more money than her husband, she should give it to the husband, there is wisdom that a man has in planning his money for the future.”
He then pointed out, “Kama unafanya UN leta hizo pesa (That includes everyone even those who work in the UN)”
This referred to Gospel artiste Esther Musila who works at the UN and is married to the award-winning star Guardian Angel.”
Mwalimu shouted, “Esther Musila utoe pesa yote patia Guardian (Esther Musila give Guardian all our money). He will give her guidance don’t make it a difficult thing Maina, I can see where your argument is headed.”
Maina Kageni echoed Mwalimu asking, “Ladies do you fully submit to your man? You will be a mad woman to give your man your money!”
A caller called in saying, “My wife earns over a million and every month she shows me the pay slip and every bit of money I get I give to her in her account we never argue, we holiday together, I put into her account hata nikipewa Mpesa ya 200 (even when I’m given Ksh 200) it goes to her account.”
He added, “What are you people creating if you are true to your woman she will be true to you those who do not understand that you are lost. For anything above 5k I have to tell her what I spent the money on.
Another called did not agree with that position said, “Pesa zangu ni zangu na watoto wangu. Wewe leta yako.”
Another caller added: “Hao wenye wameficha pesa waulize kama wameendelea? The best thing is to combine both our salaries that way we can build something for ourselves.”
Here are some reactions from KOT.
@MANUJOMANUJO2: If we really Inlove why not share everything we have…. Caro, I really miss you 🙈 Turudiane haki ilikuwa shetani alileta Wairimu kwangu Ile day.
@athman_melly: If our forefathers wakes up today and you tell them our wives earn some salary yet we cannot touch it…there will be a third world war.
@jennykanyiri: Joint bank account? Do it at your own risk and who said money is the parameters of submission
@Stevemulwa9: soma maandiko vizuri..
1 Timothy 11:
A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness,
12: But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man but remain quiet.
That’s God-fearing wife material, may that family be blessed, if as a woman you trust your husband as the CS of treasury your family will stand, ata kama ni pesa ya chama wee leta i will fix the budget…
@NtheiValerie: It depends on the kind of man you have…some will squander the money outside mbaki mkilala njaa…if that’s what’s called submission acha ikae.…/