Habib, the younger brother to the late Esir has revealed that the artist had a premonition of his death.
E-Sir lost his life in 2003 after the car they were driving in got involved in a car accident. At the time he was just 21.
Speaking during an interview on Mambo Mseto, Habib says on that fateful day Esir had already bid them goodbye.
‘It’s like he knew he wouldn’t be here for long. We were having a conversation and he told me that he was not coming back. He told me to take care of our mum.
He asked between him and my mum whose death would hurt me the most.’
Trio Mio is not Esir – Habib
‘Trio wants to be remembered as Trio Mio and not as Esir.’ -Habib
‘When I told him his death would affect me he told me I was stupid because it was our mum who loved me more.
Even on the day, he died my mum had told him not to go for the album launch as she did not have a good feeling about it but he still went. On the day he died, he told me nikienda sitarudi.
Even when we received the news of his death I never accepted the news till I saw his body.
Seeing his body affected me to date.’
Habib says Nameless has stood by his family for all these years something that not many people do.
‘Since that time Nameless has taken care of our family since that day. He has been there to advise me and hold my hands throughout the journey and I am forever grateful for that.’


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