According to the source, Edwin Sifuna broke his silence about maize flour prices today and offered new information. Senator Sifuna stated on Citizen TV during Daybreak that the maize flour subsidies initiated by the government of former president Uhuru Kenyatta benefited some persons, including cartels and other top officials. Edwin Sifuna failed to identify the cartels that benefited from the initiative. He further disclosed that once the government eliminated uga subsidies, Kenyans were obliged to pay more for 2 kg of maize flour. Edwin Sifuna has revealed that Kenyans do not care that the subsidies benefited a cartel; what they care about is that they were once able to purchase uga at a specific price but are unable to do so now that prices have risen.

Many Kenyans have recently petitioned the government to lower the price of maize flour and other goods.

by: Dave6


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