The Star reports that there was drama witnessed at parliament buildings when two female lawmakers engaged in a scuffle.

It is reported that the incident happened on Tuesday afternoon at the parliament lounge.

The two lawmakers are reported to have started their scuffle by engaging in vulgar verbal attacks against each other.

The fight later escalated when they they grabbed each others neck and wrestled each other to the ground.

They treated their colleagues to shocking dramatic scenes. Fellow lawmakers are shocked at the turn of events since they two are reported to have been friends.

Members of parliament who were in the lounge were forced to intervene in the fight so that they could not end up injuring each other.

Details of what made the two known friends to fight are still not yet clear.

“Some of the lawmakers in the lounge rushed to separate them. It was unclear why the two MPs engaged in a fistfight that their colleagues termed as embarrassing not only to them but to the august House,” the Star reports.

Source: Corridors of Power, the Star.


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