In 2022 Kamene wants men and women to take a deep look at the policies of red flags. This includes how we deal with them and how to avoid ignoring them and ending up hurt in the long run.
Guest host Dr. Ofweneke says we all have red flags and hence the need to negotiate and learn to live with other people’s red flags.
He went on to say that most Kenyan women thrive in red flags and chaos and would rather stick with men with a million red flags and try to change them than go elsewhere.
“There are ladies who thrive in red flags saying they’ll change them, there is something she sees in him that others don’t.” Said Ofweneke.
The comedian went all full TD Jakes and advised ladies to stop praying to God to change a man for them.
Stop praying to God to change your man God will never change a man for your sake.
God will align a man according to His purpose and His destiny. So what happens is women end up enjoying the benefits of the change of the man being aligned to God’s purpose. Women should now start praying “God align my man according to your purpose’ not change my man for me, God doesn’t deal like that.


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