Renowned televangelist Benny Hinn is in the country on a national deliverance service for the nation. In a service organised by the government, the mega spiritual crusade saw the convergence of numerous political leaders and religious leaders in the country.

The grand entourage was led by the President himself and First Lady Rachel Ruto as well spotted at the event. The popular Israeli-born American pastor was seen to make alter calls where he grand the wishes of the congregations and among them was Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s family. In a viral circulating online, DP Gachagua alongside his wife Bishop Dorcas Rigathi was spotted kneeling for a deliverance session during the grand crusade. The incident by the two was followed by first daughter Charlene Ruto’s prayer to be granted a husband. This incident has welcomed a lot of comments on social media as netizens flock to share their views on it. Here are some comments:

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