The recent comments made by Mutahi Ngunyi on Rigathi Gachagua demonstrate how Kenya’s political landscape is changing. Ngunyi asserts that Gachagua’s political endeavors are probably in vain if he hasn’t secured the endorsement of GEMA (the Gikuyu, Embu, and Meru Association) by this point.

This claim emphasizes how important GEMA’s support is to Kenyan politics, implying that Gachagua’s influence and political career may be in jeopardy without it. Ngunyi’s analysis also highlights the strategic partnerships held by President William Ruto. It seems that Ruto’s initiatives to actively engage the Luo and Luhya populations are being well-received.

Through this political manoeuvring, Ruto is attempting to strengthen his position among a variety of ethnic groups and increase the size of his base of support. Ruto is establishing himself as a leader in these communities by effectively courting them.

On the other hand, it is notable that former President Uhuru Kenyatta remained silent. His lack of prominence in the most recent political events begs the question of his function and impact now.

After his visit to China, there is much speculation that Kenyatta may meet in Dubai with both Raila Odinga and Ruto. By bringing together influential people with disparate interests, such a gathering may change the political terrain.

Ngunyi’s distinction between being “on the menu” and “on the table” brings attention to an important part of political strategy. Essentially, he suggests that political survival depends on active participation and influence. People who don’t make strategic alliances or don’t actively participate in politics run the risk of being ignored or marginalized.

By Kenyans

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