Don’t waste your time with a long distance relationship, was the gist of the message Maina Kageni had this morning in a conversation about how long a wife -if at all- should wait for her man to return from an overseas job, or even out of town.
But Mwalimu insisted that a wife should wait, but couldn’t answer Maina’s question why a man can’t take his wife to live with him abroad. He challenged Mwalimu that ‘why can’t she come along with you?’
Kingangi couldn’t answer, only insisting she wait.
‘But ladies how long do you wait for your man, Ladies, that one you don’t wait for him for two weeks, forget jail you don’t wait for him, if he goes abroad, why are you waiting for him and he is there with another woman, why do Kenyan women wait? Have you ever hear dof the phrase out of sight out of mind? how do you wait for him, waiting for what, hakuna you think he is waiting for you?
Maina added ‘First of all if he is in jail, you leave him next week, he is a criminal. Don’t even go to the police station, if he is caught. Don’t go. If you are in Bungoma and he is in Mombasa, what are you waiting for? If that man really wants you, he will take you with him goma ino, he is there with another woman”
So girls, why do you wait for these men and their false promises?