Don’t let your husband find you at home wearing a lesso, sweating and with unkempt hair. A woman told Maina Kageni that the reason husbands step out is because their wives have let themselves go and so the solution is to find a side chick who puts in effort.
She told this during a discussion on Friday September 24 about why men don’t take their wives out on dates.
Giving her opinion on the topic, she said
“Women are to blame because before aolewe, maybe you did makeup or wore that short dress. But now you are married, umezoea kukaa tuu. Your hair is in matutas, you don’t smell nice, you wear firirinda. Look at wives Maina, they know they are now married and stop making effort, they forget they used to wear short dresses when they were dating him, you start wearing night gowns then you wonder why he doesn’t post you, aweke firirinda, nywele haina blowdry, but if you look at side chicks, ameweka chemical, her nails are good why won’t he not post the side chick. We women fail that’s why, ebu ona when you come home maybe your wife is home, if you find your wife in makeup and a mini skirt won’t you get attracted to that woman? Now another scenario you find her with matuta, slippers and a shuka – will you get attracted to that woman? We are talking facts Maina case closed, have a good day”