DJ Mo and Size 8 celebrate daughter’s second birthday in style
What challenges do you face raising a daughter?
I believe the challenges are the same as for fathers of boys. That said, I take extra care because she is a girl.
I give her all the attention she needs and buy her clothes and shoes though sometimes I will let her mum handle that.
What are some of the lessons you would like to teach her?
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I want her to grow up to become God fearing, hardworking and self-sustaining. Not to depend on men for anything.
How do you spend time together?
We have a long bonding session in the mornings before I leave for work. Also in the evenings, whenever I can, I will make time. Over the weekends, we take drives together.
If your daughter was a teen today, what advice would you give her?
I would advise her to let go and let God. To never stress about anything and mostly to be open to us as her parents before she undertakes any sensitive decisions.
As a father to a daughter, what are some of the lessons you have learnt?
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That girls need more attention than boys. And way more sensitive too.