David Kilonzo alias DK Kwenye Beat narrated how a scandal that he faced four years ago ruined his image and music career in a conversation with his family friends Bahati and Diana Marua.
The scandal that happened in 2019 involved allegations that DK and his fellow gospel artist Hopkid were intimate with a certain girl who was later on diagnosed with Herpes.
DK revealed how these allegations made him lose jobs, friends, put his family in distress and made him fall into depression.
What kept him going and saved him from succumbing to depression is his wife Shanice Wangechi who believed in him and chose to stand by him the entire time.
That he had to do small temporary jobs for him to survive and provide for his family. His wife was working in Qatar at that time and she used to send him money whenever he was stuck.
According to DK, he would not have healed from the scandal if his wife didn’t support and believe in him.
However, DK did not confess whether he slept with the lady who tainted his name or not but he affirmed that he did not have the deadly virus.
That he went for tests for the sake of his family and wife’s peace and they turned out negative.
DK said that he is at a better place now and ready to bless his fans with hits that he has been working on.
by: Barbietales