It’s not everyday you hear about a mother giving up on their own child; or giving out the kid to the dad simply because they can’t do it anymore. Well, there have been some reported cases but never did we imagine that a celebrity parent would themselves in such a situation.
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Anyway we now understand that comedian Shiti was recently handed his daughter by Somali baby mama who says she is doing it for the sake of her sanity. Apparently she hit depression after falling out with the comedian and judging from her state – Fash says it’s better for her daughter to be raised by the dad.
She made this known through an Instagram post where she wrote;
I had no intention whatsoever to ever give up on my daughter but whatever I have been through, I have decided to give the father his kid…this is very tough but a necessity. I just hope that she grows into an amazing human and may forever know that this decision is out of my love for her.
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Just before dropping the bomb on her IG story, Fash Hussein shared a post written depression which would probably explain her decision to leave her daughter with DJ Shiti.
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Although this comes as a big surprise, I want to believe that fathers can also be amazing primary caregivers – meaning the girl will just be fine.