Michael Macharia, commonly known as DJ Brownskin has been trending some days back following the circumstances that led to the death of his wife Sharon Njeri. This was after a video of him filming his wife take poison until she died surfaced on social media platforms. Many Kenyans were left blaming him for not confronting his wife over the action she was taking.
Days after the video went rounds, DJ Brownskin has hinted on having his side of the story. He said “Anybody that believes lies about you before hearing your side of story was already looking for a a way to be against you.”
From this, it is evident that he has a story to share.
Screenshot of a post on Facebook
Link to the full story https://www.facebook.com/88201339429/posts/pfbid07gHv43mz1vD96s2XGo6kYaMjn5r3n9N5k15WzkYDuVbvWnJuGB8GcPPt3NNhRhQRl/?app=fbl
by: WorldEverydayNews