The preliminary inquiry into the death of the 36-year-old officer of the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) who committed suicide by setting fire to his home in Gilgil barracks, Nakuru County, has uncovered the circumstances behind the officer’s death.

The most recent findings from the investigation suggest that the KDF soldier may have committed himself as a result of either a marital dispute with his wife or the use of alcohol. It was reported that the police officer had been struggling with alcoholism prior to his death.

The unexplained fire that reduced the officer to ash occurred, according to the police report filed under O/B 03/25/09/2023, after the serviceman had finished his shift and returned home.

When his coworkers saw smoke pouring out of the officer’s cubicle, they immediately raised the alarm and began trying to extinguish the blaze. They tried to save a coworker from the blaze, but were unsuccessful.

According to the report, the Officer’s home was completely destroyed in the fire. Officers have begun looking into the circumstances surrounding the officer’s death even as they await the results of the post mortem.

The terrible event occurs just two months after a report on police officers’ mental health was released by the National Police Service Commission. According to the study, 10% of police personnel struggle with mental health problems.

The study suggested that the officer’s busy job, conflicts at home, and stress all played a role. Some senior police officers were also held responsible in the report for creating an unsafe environment for their less-than-cowardly subordinates.

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