Renowned private detective Jane Mugo recently captured a suspect accused of conning people and attempting to defraud his own father of land. According to information from Jane Mugo’s Facebook page, after his arrest and before he was taken to prison, the suspect expressed remorse, asking to speak with his father to apologize for the pain he caused.
In an unexpected turn, the suspect allegedly thanked Jane Mugo for “saving our land and changing my life from a bad boy to a good person.”
He then surprised her with a marriage proposal, asking, “When I come out of prison, will you marry me?” Mugo gently turned him down, explaining that she already had someone.
The suspect reportedly admitted to Mugo, “I was sure no police would ever catch me, but you are a tough one.”
He revealed that he had been evading capture for over two years while obtaining money from Kenyans. Mugo said she had prayed for wisdom and success in solving this case.
The detective initially shared the story on her Facebook page, describing how she single-handedly tracked the suspect with help from the community.
Mugo explained that a tip-off led her to pursue the suspect, even leaving her car unlocked and valuables inside as she chased him. Strangers helped guard her car during the chase. The suspect was eventually caught and is set to appear in court.
Detective Mugo celebrated this win, thanking honest police officers who turned down bribes, as well as Kenyans who supported her. She confirmed that the suspect’s father had received the title deed back for his land.
The chief magistrate of Wanguru Law Court ordered that the suspect remain in Gathigiriri Remand Prison while the case is ongoing. His accomplices are already serving five-year sentences.
Expressing gratitude, Mugo credited God, her team, her followers, and local authorities for the success, saying, “Thank you for believing in me.”
By Newsmedia