Many times the role of raising a child singlehandedly normally ends up with single mothers’ the world over and we already know how hard it is to raise a kid/kids in a two-parent home.
What happens when the cast is upended and it ends up with the man being in the role of the sole parent? That’s a question that Tedd Josiah has had to answer the past few years since the untimely demise of his wife just months after she gave birth to their daughter.
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The legendary Kenyan producer has made no secret of his journey, sharing constant anecdotes with his fans and followers on his social media page.
Tedd recently revealed that he underwent a couple of struggles during the early months of raising his daughter Jay Jay. He said that not only did he lose his wife but shortly after he also lost his job, with the thought of failure being a constant companion.
”I remember these early months with JayJay. Losing my job, running up rent arrears of nearly 500k, my heart bleeding every day from the pain of loss and grief, having no one around me at all, and the worst part… THINKING TO MYSELF EVERY DAY “YOU’RE GOING TO FAIL! You’re going to lose, you’re losing your mind, your house, your job is gone! You’re now going to fail this child in the worst way!”
The double loss left him a shadow of the man he was before leaving him depressed and broke. At this moment, he felt like giving up, but his daughter and someone he chose not to name gave him reason to keep fighting.
“Depression had me locked in my room daily and the few people who brought light into my life were JayJay and someone else who committed to making sure I don’t break. We are going to our fourth year now without mama, it’s been a process of self-determination and discovery, ups and downs, building upon a legacy and keeping on going….
He finished his emotional message by encouraging Kenyans to never give up.
“God has your back even when you walk through the valley of the shadows of death. I have been there and I know. GOD CAME THROUGH in the valley of the shadows of death. Please never EVER give up…”