As agriculture cabinet secretary Mithika Linturi is facing the wraths of committee which was tasked to probe his Impeachment, the embattled minister broke down in tears while narrating how he was sued for raising someone’s child.
As reported by a report covered on, CS Linturi claimed that some Individual harrassed him with multiple cases while he took care of children thay were not his.
Linturi who was appearing before a select National Assembly committee probing his impeachment motion, remarked that the said individual harassed him with multiple cases.
“At one time, he had to be consoled after he broke down reliving how he had been sued to take care of children that were not his”, report intimates.
It should be noted that CS Mithika Linturi’s was Impeached following a motion that was sponsored by Bumula member of parliament Hon Wamboka.
However, CS Linturi directed all blames to former wife Mary Kitany for sponsoring the motion to ouster him as Agriculture cabinet secretary over the fake fertilizers scandal.
It should be noted that Linturi’s Impeachment was seconded by a number of political leaders including those from Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition. The leaders were DAP Kenya party leader Eugene Wamalwa and Former vice-president Kalonzo Musyoka.
By Newsmedia