Kenyan comedian Crazy Kennar has addressed the split with his former acting crew, which included Bushra Sakshi, Yvonne Khisa, Wanjiru Africas, Useful Idioty, and Stanley Omondi. In an interview with Oga Obinna, Kennar explained that the breakup wasn’t due to personal disputes but rather a difference in goals.
“When we started, it was more of teamwork, but as we grew, our visions for the future changed,” he said. Kennar, who was the driving force behind the group’s success, revealed that he initiated a meeting with the team, suggesting they focus on mastering specific skills. However, the crew’s goals began to shift, creating tension and ultimately leading to the split.
Kennar expressed gratitude for the time spent with the crew, calling it a learning experience. “We were more than workmates; we learned from each other,” he added. Despite the separation, Kennar has continued to thrive, while his former crew members have pursued individual projects.
By Nairobi