Chairman of matatu sacco, Jimal Marlow and his ex girlfriend Amber Ray have elicited reactions on social media. The duo caused controversy after their conversation were noted by a number of netizens. As was reported by a local media house, Jimal Marlow and Amber Ray followed each other on Instagram. Well, seemingly the duo have ignited conversation.
Kenyans on social media reacted after majority noted a recent comment Jimal left on his ex girlfriend’s post. According to the post, the two celebrity were conversing. Jimal consoled Amber for her just ended relationship. The father of four invited Amber to work with him at his company. “Sasa kuja utufanyie Huduma credit”, Jimal stated.
Amber Ray didn’t not hesitate to respond to Marlow. On the conversation, the mother of one stated that she will consult with the management first. Netizens went ahead and reacted on the same as majority wondered if the duo are now friends. Here is the full post.
by: Lydiah_KE