The Kenyan content creator Billy Simani, popularly known as “Crazy Nairobian,” was released from police custody on Saturday after public pressure. Simani was allegedly arrested on Friday and detained at Muthaiga police cell until his release at about 4 pm. Several people, including other content creators, human rights organizations, and lawyers, had called for his release.

Simani was reportedly arrested over claims of sending threatening messages to an undisclosed person, who later withdrew the complaint. He is among those detained over ongoing protests against proposed tax increases.

Earlier, social media users confronted Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen about Simani’s whereabouts during an X space discussion. Murkomen claimed he was unaware of the case but promised to pass the message to the relevant authorities and offer his help.

The platform discussing Simani’s arrest attracted over 55,000 users, reflecting widespread concern and support for the content creator. This incident highlights the tension surrounding the Finance Bill 2024 and the broader social discontent in Kenya.


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