Police In Kakamega are investigating an incident where several police officers were arrested after starting a fight over ksh 4k bill.

In a report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been reported that the suspects were arrested by Police officers who were on patrol after causing a commotion.

Several sources have confirmed that the suspects refused to pay the amount of money asked by the bar attendant after they took several bottles in the Club.

According to the reports given by the police, the suspects who were involved in the incident are suspected to be soldiers from the Kenya Defense Forces.

This is happening at the same time when it has been reported that the Kenya Defense Forces have been put on the spot for allegedly beating several police officers.

In a report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been reported that the incident that is currently making rounds on social media platforms has caught the attention of several Kenyans.

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