Alex Muthenge says that kwani sisi ni wanawake joke is very offensive.
From season to season Kenyans come up with different jokes to amuse themselves through memes. Currently, a topic dubbed ‘kwani sisi ni wanawake’ is the current joke and meme used by netizens. This phrase originated from ODM leader Raila Odinga’s Fan back in 2017 ‘when he was addressing a crowd regarding elections and rigging votes saying ‘tuibiwe kura kwani sisi ni wanawake’.
The meme is used by most people who are making jokes doing impossible things that they believe can only be done by men and not women. It displays toxic masculinity and sexism. According to Alex Muthenge, that joke is offensive and I honestly agree with this because women should be valued. ‘’That joke kwanni sisi ni wanawake is very offensive to women, it is good to respect women.’’ The comedian claimed.
The joke downgrades women, though most Kenyans find it entertaining. The say tells that whatever women do is not logical. To this Alex also said ‘’we all come from women and we keep begging them all the time for this thing! Let’srespect our mothers’, sisters’, girlfriends and wives buana!’’ he added.