On the Tuesday morning conversation, Maina and Kingangi referred to Corazion Kwambnoka’s note ot bay daddy frankie thanking him for co parenting.
Maina told Frankie ‘aki I have many questions for you. I will callyou about it’
Mwalimu gave a kayamba to Corazon for Thannking Frankie, adding he wished more women emulated Corazon to show appreciation to men.
‘acha nimpigie kayamba’ malimu aid, while Maina said ‘me I’ve got many questions for Frankie me aki you are my friend i will call you myself and ask you’ Mwali said it is important because ‘why is it so difficult for women to appreciate men who step up? they are not together -Corazon and Frankie- so you should take it with alot of appreciation’
Maina asked why men disown children and not pay support when the mother moves on.
‘it’s not a must’ mwalimu said ‘wewe umeeenda na kuna jamaa amechukua usukani, you have moved on to someoen else so i don’t have to be there for the kid, you have taken them,’
‘kwani that child stops becoming yours?‘ maina added
‘Corazon ebu remove that post you look like you want him back, take it down, it looks bad,’ Maina advised
‘you need to be appreciated’ Kingangi added ‘for the sacrifice and the commitment, nakama umemenda kuishi maisha na mwingine? They should be brought up by that man where you have gone. aie, kufa dereva kufa makanga, umeachana na huyo jamaa huyo jamaa anaendelea kukusaidia and you have moved on? na anaendelea kulipa? do you realize it’s not a must ashaenda, ati nikuchangie? and you have another man?’
‘ahsante ni ya nini kwani wewe ni mungu ahsante for what? if you didn’t go the extra mile that child couldn’t be born, goma ino’ Maina retorted, ‘thank you for what, ebu let’s talk tafadhali.’