Different Kenyan celebrities have paid their heartfelt tributes to reggae MC and former radio and TV personality Mary Njambi Koikai simply known as Jahmby Koikai.
Below are different celebrities’ messages;
Size 8: In this world where we are threatened by so Much evil threatening everything about us let us remember that God is on the throne and He loves us very much more than we love ourselves and His love for us is unimaginable and so we can rest in His love ❤️😍😘 God’s love for us is so profound let us rest in this love…..He cares for us more than we care for ourselves….. for Gods love endures forever ❤️…….. ENTER REST….. Have a fabulous day…….
Tallia Oyando: Rest Well Lioness @jahmbykoikai 🕊️🙏🏾 you fought, YOU WON 💔💛💚
Ciru Muriuki: We’re all still trying to process this. Thank you for the YEARS of friendship. Thank you for your fire. You fought so hard my Empress. So hard. Rest now @jahmbykoikaiYou are loved eternally.
Blessed Njugush: A fighter has rested. May Her soul Rest In Peace. Taught us resilience, Grit Faith, Hope and Kindness. So long Fire Mummah.Condolences to family and friends
Betty Kyallo: Your fight was truly remarkable. A true soldier. Your fight made this disease known. I’m sure many women who didn’t know about it and were suffering finally came to understand about it as well as get medical help.A true champion.May Heaven receive you with the comfort you deserve.
Senje: My heart is shattered 😭😭😭😭😭, Jahmbi has been walking through this whole journey with me behind the scenes…You said we have no room to give up but to keep on fighting 😭😭😭,you said you’ll be there when I’m going through the surgeries and will both come and tell our stories 😭😭😭..You gave me strength every single time I felt like giving up, I looked up to you because I believed if you made it through then I would too😭 .My heart is broken 💔💔… Rest in peace
Avril: Safiri salama fire mama.See translation
Ken Mijungu: We lost a warrior. Njambi lost the fight she boldly fought in public and privately. She was a good human! RIP my friend
Daddy Owen: RIP
Suzanna Owiyo: A beautiful soul has rested. Go well Njambi Koikai aka Fyah Mama
Carol Radull: You were such a warrior. An angel. A force. Walking with you in the paths of Kawangware; the people loved you. You loved them. And you loved the Beautiful Game.I guess you’ll never get my last message asking whether you still needed blood. 💔💔💔I love you Girl. @jahmbykoikai May your fight for Endo Warriors bear fruit. 🙏🏽Dance reggae with the angels. RIP
Sauti Sol: Sad Day 💔💔💔 Forever in our hearts. @jahmbykoikai was our first ever manager. Played a big part in our early stages as a band. The industry has lost a gem. The country has lost a warrior. The heavens have gained an angel. Rest in Power. Your spirit lives on forever!
Nonini: What a Sad Day!
Iyanii: I remember our last convo before I traveled to Australia manze. You congratulated me and told me how happy you are to see my growth . This is a very sad moment for me💔 knowing that we were planning for a reunion but God had different plans. Thank you for believieng in me when i was at a point that not so many people did. I love you so much and may your beautiful soul rest in Paradise big sister
Shix Kapyenga: Hii imeuma 💔Rest In Power Fyah Mama
Jalang’o: You fought! As friends we did our bit, Heaven has won a golden heart! Rest well Jeshi! This hurts!
Abel Mutua: Show me a more fierce fighter. You gave it everything Empress. Rest well
Rashid Abdallah: Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. Bwana alitoa, na Bwana ametwaa; jina lake lihimidiwe 🙏. R.I.P
Mwalimu Churchill: Rest in Power @jahmbykoikai .You fought a good one.
Dj Shiti: This is So Disastrous 😭😭what a Sad Tuesday that we have lost a Sister @jahmbykoikai Shine on your way FireMama
Dj Sadic: You fought and the fight was painful. Rest in peace Fyah Mummah Jahmby Koikai
Phil Director: Jahmby this is hard. Galant Warrior🫡 Till we meet again🕊️🕊️🕊️One of the best to ever do it 🫡🫡
By Mpasho