Content creator Vanessa Akinyi, popular as a Cartoon Comedian, moved into a new mansion with her boyfriend, Rotimi of Africa.

How did Cartoon Comedian showcase new mansion?

She wore black skirts matching her jacket and a white pull-neck, and white knee-covering boots.

The mansion is palatial, with cabros covering the compound. It’s a two-storey building whose walls are painted cream.

She accompanied the video with a song thanking fans for their support.

Her boyfriend Rotimi also congratulated her.

Why were Kenyans concerned about Cartoon Comedian?

As reported in November, Kenyans online were shocked after realising that Cartoon had stopped making her funny skits for some time.

The comic had also deleted all her content on Instagram and was only focused on posting her new catch.

Some netizens claimed that she may have ditched her career to accommodate her relationship.

Fragon bragged about owning several cars and apartments and maintained he was ready to gift Cartoon one of the flats in Nakuru.

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