Carol Sonie is one of the top rising brand Influencers. Carol is the ex Girlfriend of Mulamwa. Mulamwa is a top Kenyan Comedian. Carol’s and Mulamwa’s separation was one bitter one. Mulamwa even decided to punish Carol by denying her access to her Instagram account since he is the one who had contributed to Carol’s fame. Carol had to accept and move on. Carol and Mulamwa sired one kid. The baby is a girl and she is called Keilah.

Carol has been working hard to give her daughter good life and her daughter has really grown. Just recently Carol celebrated her daughter’s first birthday. Nowadays Mulamwa has been so quiet on social media and he stopped trolling Carol as he used to do there before.

S r latest photos of Carol with her daughter Keilah below and see how the two are serving fans with mother and daughter goals below with this lovely post.

by: Rossielle


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