In a small village nestled within the heart of Kikuyu tradition, a funeral ceremony turned into a spectacle as two young TikTokers stirred controversy by donning women’s attire and makeup. Their unconventional attire, a stark departure from the customary norms, left the villagers bewildered and disapproving.

In Kikuyu tradition, where adherence to cultural customs runs deep, the sight of men dressed as women is not only uncommon but also frowned upon. The villagers found themselves grappling with disbelief and discomfort as they witnessed this unprecedented display.

Brian Chira’s funeral, intended to be a solemn affair to honor his memory, was overshadowed by the unexpected antics of the TikTokers. The villagers, feeling a sense of disrespect towards their cherished traditions, have decided to take action.

A cleansing ceremony is now being planned by the villagers, aimed at purging the lingering negative energy and restoring harmony within their community. This ritual, deeply rooted in tradition, signifies their collective resolve to uphold the sanctity of their cultural heritage and ward off any perceived threats to their values and beliefs.

By Newshub

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