Tabitha Karanja, founder of Keroche Breweries and mother to Tecra Muigai has in an inquest said her daughter sent money amounting to millions.
The inquest which happened on Tuesday comes months after the death of Tecra, who was the last born daughter of the Karanja’s.
Below is a breakdown of cash the late Tecra allegedly sent to her boyfriend Omar Lali
On August 19, 2019, Tecra transferred Ksh150,000 to Lali and moved a similar amount on the next day.
Eight days later, on August 28, Tecra moved another Ksh150,000 to Lali, Tabitha revealed in court.
After a three-week lull, Tecra again moved Ksh100,000 on October 18, then another Ksh100,000 on November 1.
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Two weeks later, Tecra doubled the amount sent to Lali and transferred Ksh200,000 on November 13, 2019.
In the following month, Tabitha told the court that her daughter moved another Ksh100,000 to her lover.
In 2020, however, the amounts that Tecra moved to Lali decreased. In March 2020, Tecra sent Lali Ksh60,000 on the 3rd and Ksh80,000 on the 13th day of the month.
Tabitha also told the court that police found unsigned bank slips in the Lamu house Tecra shared with Lali whereby she had transferred money to him.
The inquest is still ongoing as the family tries to find justice for their daughter.