Bradley Marongo, famously known as the “Gen Z Goliath,” is all smiles after finally receiving his birth certificate and national ID card. The popular figure shared his excitement on social media, expressing gratitude to Kenyans for their support during the journey to secure these essential documents.

“Thank you, Kenyans! I’ve finally got my Birth Certificate and ID. Can I now say I’m officially a Kenyan citizen?” he posted, followed by a joyful message indicating he’s looking forward to obtaining his passport. His lighthearted remark, “Mambo ya Mungu haya,” conveyed his deep appreciation and sense of relief, acknowledging the significance of the moment.

The Gen Z Goliath has garnered a significant following for his charismatic personality and unique take on life, and this milestone marks an important step in his personal and professional journey. With his birth certificate and national ID finally in hand, Bradley’s next goal is to acquire the “biggest passport,” setting his sights on future international endeavors.

His story serves as a reminder of the importance of identity and legal recognition, particularly for the youth. Fans celebrated the news with him, marking it as a victory for perseverance and patience.

By Nairobi

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