Bradley Marongo alias Known as Gen Z Goliath has caused stir online. During an interview with one of online media channel Bradley Marongo explained why Bata company has not given him customized shoes their promised to deliver to him few weeks ago. Below is a YouTube link video with full evidence.
According to Bradley Marongo is that his customized shoes have taken time because of the design he wanted plus the company had first to look for good material to make his shoes. He promised his fans that soon he will be wearing his customized shoes from different brands.
Bradley Marongo also, added by saying that Bata company promised to customize for him more shoes since he has signed a long term deal with them and he is ready to be their brand ambassador. He added by saying that his loyal fans to remain silent and soon their will see him wearing closed shoes and customized sandals. What advice can you share with Bradley Marongo concerning this matter.
By Newsmedia