Newton Kimaru, who lives in Nyeri county, talked exclusively to about the mysterious death of his 18-year-old girlfriend, Faith Ngina. He shared some troubling messages he got from Faith’s mom before Faith died.
In these messages, Faith’s mom talked harshly about Faith, calling her “your wife” and making threats. This made Kimaru worried about Faith’s safety because it seemed like her mom didn’t like their relationship.
Kimaru didn’t understand why Faith’s mom was so against their relationship. He thought maybe she heard bad things about him from others and got influenced by that. Even though he tried to talk to her and solve the problem, Faith’s mom didn’t change her mind.
The tension between Kimaru and Faith’s family made Faith’s death even harder for him to handle. Losing Faith was already very painful, and the situation with her family made it even worse.
Kimaru decided to share the messages from Faith’s mom because he wanted people to know what they went through as a couple. He hoped that by sharing their story, he could find out the truth about Faith’s death and get justice for her.
Faith’s death showed how important it is for families to accept each other’s relationships and communicate openly. It also reminded everyone about how complicated relationships can be, especially when there are misunderstandings and conflicts within families.