Former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, renowned human rights activist Hanifa, Boniface Mwangi and Hussein Khalid have been arrested at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters and transferred to the Nairobi Area Police Station. This arrest occurred shortly after they presented themselves to the DCI, following threats of arrest from unidentified individuals.

The trio’s decision to voluntarily present themselves at the DCI was a bold move aimed at clarifying why they were being targeted. However, their initiative was met with immediate apprehension, raising serious questions about the current state of justice and transparency in Kenya.

Willy Mutunga and Boniface Mwangi defended their move of presenting themselves saying that they are not afraid of being arrested, urging their fellow activists that nobody should leave in fear and nobody should fear while leaving in his own country.

Recently there has been a disturbing rise in abductions and arrests, particularly targeting individuals linked to ongoing protests. These actions appear to be part of a broader crackdown by authorities to suppress dissent and stifle public demonstrations.

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