The renown Kakamega senator honourable Boni Khalwale has revealed that he has spent the whole afternoon at DCI headquarters and later at Muthaiga police station seeking for the release of Uhuru’s former cabinet secretary Richard Echesa.
He went ahead to say that Echesa is unwell after the family issued statement after the police arrested Khalwale teemed his demand as urgent an d therefore the renown Echesa to be taken to hospital.Many Kenyans have really shared their views with many seriously supporting while others are opposing.It was also revealed that Echesa is among the extortion ring and will remain in custody up to Tuesday next week.
A country that is ruled by the rule of law, democracy and transparency is likely to have more developments and become prosperous in various sectors that benefits it’s citizens either directly or indirectly or indirectly.The vocal Khalwale has been among the most vocal and powerful leaders in the country.
By Newsmedia