The wife of the Indian tycoon Jayesh Kumar Kanji has finally confessed to planning his murder days after Kanji’s body was discovered mutilated in Machakos County. The confession to the police following her arrest, discloses a terrifying scheme of an ill hearted wife. She however, confessed that she had not agreed with the hitmen to kill but only torture and discipline him.
According to the police report, in her chilling confession, the ill hearted wife acknowledged asking her husband’s friend for assistance in disciplining him, with the intention of only frightening and torturing him rather than killing him. But the scheme took a dark turn, which ultimately resulted in the businessman’s brutal death.
The wife’s arrest resulted from data analysis of her phone records, which also revealed that she had communicated with the killer friend prior to the incident. They allegedly agreed to the kidnapping and then recruited locals to carry out the punishment. Unfortunately, the disciplining turns to the tragic death of the tycoon.