In a long video on her Instagram stories, content creator Njambi Fever , said that Kenya’s Youtube space and online media news are cartels.

She went on to further describe that their presence is what is making small creators striving to give news on celebrity happenings not to strive.

“Hii kitu nimekam kujua kila social media iko na cartels kama ni interviews ni sisi ndio lazima ipitie or sisi ndio tuifanye”

(I have come to learn that social media has cartel, if it’s interview it must be done by them otherwise it won’t happen.)

The young lady went on to say that these people are the ones who make peoples’ content not to grow at all for the smaller youtubers.

The blogger went on to compare the Youtube space to also twitter that apparently works in the same way in terms of giving out gigs.

“unaona Kenya, the very moment umeanza kujitengezea kajina no matter how small wote watakutafuta wakufanyie interviews”

(In Kenya the moment you start making a name for yourself no matter how small, they start looking for you to do interviews)

Her sentiments elicited a lot of mixed reactions because some felt that it was the algorithm that maybe makes people not to grow.

Others supported her sentiments by saying that they are a very corrupt group and they favour those they would want to cover stories on.

Here are some of the comments left on the post:

𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞 : But don’t forget when your time to go viral comes you won’t need no interviews 🫂

Oxlace Media: Use that energy to create unique contents. The problem is you focus on others.

safespace01: Create content that people relate with and they will watch it automatically

Famenope 😂YouTube works with algorithm

Diablogooner: Twitter nime reportiwa 12 accounts now suspended juu ya ku gain ground faster. Mswaki sahii ni history😂💔

Hopeful: Sometimes it is all in our head. The little devils are in our heads. YouTube doesn’t have cartels. Just know how to get your content out there.

Darksun: No it’s all youtube I think it’s own by 🇺🇸 government use Tiktok sis


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