Malindi Law Courts have destroyed narcotics worth Sh25 million at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KeMRI) in Kilifi.
The drugs included a tonne of bhang and hundreds of kilos of heroin which were set on fire after the court closed the case.
The exercise was supervised by Malindi Chief Magistrate Elizabeth Usui who led the court users committee.
“Today we have led the exercise of transporting narcotics to Kilifi. They were exhibits in various court cases. We decided to take them to the KEMRI centre because they have an incinerator that can destroy large amounts of drugs without polluting the environment as advised by the National Environment Management Authority,” she said.
Usui said the exercise was meant to send a message to all that Malindi Law Courts had a strong stand against substance abuse.
She added that the burning was also meant to ensure that the drugs do not find their way back to the streets.
“The court is committed to stopping the trading and use of narcotics. This is why we want the consignment burnt at once so it does not find its way back to the streets,” Usui said.