An ad posted on Facebook claims that Kenyan supermarket chain Quickmart is recruiting across the country.

Quickmart has 57 stores in 14 counties and employs more than 6,000 people.

The 18 April 2023 ad reads: “QUICKMART SUPERMARKET APRIL 2023 JOBS RECRUITMENT (Openning & Expanding Branches Across Kenya)… (Starting Salary between 15000 to 40000).”

The jobs listed include cashiers, receptionists, stockists, distributors, drivers and accountants.

Interested applicants are asked to send a message to a phone number, starting the message with “BOOK ME”.

The ad also appears here, here, here, here and here.

But is the supermarket chain looking to expand its workforce? We checked.

Fake job advert

There is no mention of any vacancies on Quickmart’s website, official Facebook page or Twitter account.

The phone number listed in the ad is also not listed on the retailer’s official website.

We contacted the number on WhatsApp, pretending to be an interested job applicant.

The response we received asked for personal details such as full name, identity number and a photo.

We were also asked to pay a registration fee of KSh350 through a different phone number, and told it belonged to Quickmart’s recruitment supervisor.

This is a clear indication that the job ad is a scam.

On 13 April 2023, Quickmart used its official verified Facebook account to warn the public not to engage with scammers.

Quickmart listed their official phone numbers and wrote: “Your security is our top concern! Avoid scammers and only use our official numbers and social media pages @quickmartkenya (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) for any questions or concerns.”

By Africa Check


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