Award winning hairstylist Phoina loves her mother so much she has thrown her a pre birthday party before the main day.
Phoina is an only child and had to go big or go home for mum who is turning 52 years old.
On new years eve, Phoina helped her mum cut cake and did her makeup and outfit as a heartfelt tribute.
Tomorrow we celebrate a Queen💃💃💃
New year my mum turns 52 🙏🙏🙏happiest years of my life are with you in it 😉
Happy Birthday 🙏tomorrow we do it big 😉
For Christmas, Phoina gushed over her mum revealing cute details about their relationship while holidaying at the Amboseli.
beautician phoina in amboseli park
Mummy’s only child 🥰
Mama was my greatest teacher,a teacher of compassion,love and fearlessnes.
If love is sweet as a flower,then my mother is that sweet flower of love.
You are my friend,my spirit,my influence towards success.There is no replacement of you,you are the best and will be Best forever,I love you mommy❤️
New Year means it’s my mothers birthday,and will always do it big for her,she did it big for me❤️
Long captions can only be for my mommy 😂😂♥️😍🥰I will forever remain a mummy’s girl 👧