Singer Kevin Kioko aka Bahati has defended his uncontrollable cry after losing the Jubilee nomination ticket for the Mathare MP seat.
According to Bahati, he was wailing for the Mathare people, who he seeks to represent in the National Assembly.
“I was not angry, I was just expressing the needs of my people. In parliament, I will be representing the people, a legislator, and an implementor. So I was representing the people. I took their pain and carried it to the press conference,” Bahati said on the Wicked Edition.
Bahati added that Kenyans have been unkind to him on several occasions by bullying him online.
“Jana mumenikimbiza mbio sana, kwani mtu hawezi lia tu? (Yesterday, you all pushed me too far. Do you want to say someone cannot express themselves by crying?)This generation needs to allow men to express themselves.”
In 2017, Bahati worked with both President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto during the jubilee campaigns.
Now, he says he has decided to stick with Uhuru and not his deputy because he is God’s anointed leader.
“Every leader is anointed by God, at the moment the leader that has been placed on the seat is Uhuru. Let him finish his term and leave. We respect the sitting president, we don’t fight with him, he is anointed by God,” he said.
On Monday, Bahati who had been issued a nomination ticket by Jubilee Party for the Mathare MP seat said that he had been asked to recall the certificate in favour of an ODM party candidate.
He decried the move, saying that it was an act of denying Mathare people proper representation in parliament and also denying youths an opportunity to lead.
Later, Jubilee party official Kanini Kega explained that the actions were influenced by their coalition pact with ODM.
He said that ODM questioned their move to issue Bahati with a ticket to contest in an area that is known to be their (ODM) stronghold.…/2022-04-30-bahati-explains-why…/


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