Karen Nyamu, a politician and social media influencer, shared a heartwarming video on her TikTok official page featuring herself, Samidoh Muchoki (a popular Kikuyu Benga musician), and their youngest daughter, Wairimu.

The video captures a sweet moment during their journey from Nairobi to Mombasa, where they were heading to celebrate their eldest daughter’s birthday.

In the video, Wairimu is seen asking her father to put his phone down so she can give him something. Once Samidoh obligingly puts his phone down, Wairimu proceeds to share some groundnuts with him.

This adorable interaction left Karen with joy, and in the caption, she remarked about how wise their daughter is for giving her father groundnuts on their way to Mombasa. She jokingly added, “Samidoh concludes that Karen sent her to give him the groundnuts.”

The video showcases the loving bond between Samidoh and his daughter, highlighting the special moments they share as a family. It is evident that despite their busy lives, Karen and Samidoh prioritize spending quality time with their children and creating lasting memories together.


by: Jayyveroh2

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