Renowned Tiktoker and content creator Baba Talisha has broken the silence after it was alleged that he used part of the money contributed to Brian Chira’s funeral to buy an iPhone 15 Pro Max. Baba Talisha has been on the frontline organizing the burial ceremony of deceased Tiktoker Brian Chira and leading his fundraiser that has seen well-wishers contribute millions of shillings.
Speaking at Chira’s candle-lighting ceremony held in one of the city hotels, Baba Talisha said that he hasn’t used even a single cent from Chira’s fundraiser. He noted that there are a lot of rumors surrounding his new phone, with some people claiming that he used part of Chira’s funds to buy it.
”Hii simu imeleta shida. Sikupend ata bob. Nilitumwa kwa duka nikaambiwa chukua any phone unataka. That is what kindness brings a lot( This phone has brought a lot of issues. I didn’t spend even a bob from Chira’s funds. A well-wisher told me to go to any shop and pick the phone of my choice)” Baba Talisha said.
He said the phone was worth Ksh 275,000. Baba Talisha further said that he volunteered to help Brian Chira’s family because he was also helped when his late wife died.
Brian Chira is set to be buried on Tuesday. Baba Talisha said they have set a target of Ksh 10 Million for Chira’s fundraiser.
The money will be used to build Chira’s grandmother a house to fulfill Chira’s wish.