Details have emerged explaining why Azimio’s coalition boss who doubles as opposition leader His Excellency the Rt. Hon Raila Odinga delayed submitting his Cabinet Secretary (CS) nominees to President William Ruto. The ODM Party leader has been praised by Kenyans for his wise reason for refraining from submitting a list of his CS nominees. According to reports by Nation Africa, people have hailed him by saying “Baba is wise.”

Insiders within Raila’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) attribute the absence of ODM’s nominees in the newly announced 11-member Cabinet to two primary issues: a demand for a concrete plan to address youth concerns and delays in agreeing on the distribution of three crucial Cabinet positions. President Ruto initially intended to appoint 14 CSs, including three selected by ODM. However, ongoing discussions and unresolved matters prompted the President to proceed with naming only 11 nominees, reserving the remaining three slots for ODM once agreements are reached.

An ODM source disclosed that President Ruto had requested a list of ODM nominees. Nevertheless, Raila insisted that the government first tackle the issues raised by Gen Z protesters. These protests had previously resulted in significant changes, such as the withdrawal of the Finance Bill 2024, the dissolution of the Cabinet (excluding Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi), and notable budget cuts across the Executive and other agencies.

According to the source, ODM was set to secure two influential ministries and another position previously held by a representative from the Coast region. However, Raila stressed that he would only submit names once the government presented a clear plan to address the concerns of young protesters. The source, preferring anonymity due to the delicate nature of the discussions, reported that the President was prepared and had requested the list, but Raila insisted on addressing Gen Z’s issues first.

According to reports by Nation Africa, Raila is seeking a clear governmental strategy to tackle pressing issues such as economic hardships, unemployment, and social justice.

Kenyans on social media have expressed their admiration for Raila’s strategic decision, praising him for his wisdom, cleverness, and intelligence in handling the situation. Many see his move as a calculated effort to ensure the youth’s concerns are addressed before proceeding with political appointments. Below are some of the reactions from Kenyans on social media regarding Raila’s decision:

John: “Baba is wise. He is playing a long game. He knows the youth are the future, and addressing their concerns first is a smart move. Truly a wise leader.”

Amina: “Raila’s move shows he is not just about politics but about the people. His insistence on addressing youth issues before any appointments is commendable. Clever and strategic!”

Peter: “This is why Raila remains a key figure in Kenyan politics. He sees beyond immediate gains and focuses on lasting solutions. Smart and visionary.”

Lisa: “Raila is wise to demand a plan for youth concerns before submitting nominees. It shows his dedication to real change and not just political positions.”

James: “Raila’s strategy is brilliant. By prioritizing youth issues, he’s not only securing their support but also pushing for genuine progress. Truly a clever move.”

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