Azimio makes the statement that the details of the plan to engage in broad civil disobedience would be made public on Friday, July 7th.

On the 27th of June, 2023, Odinga made the announcement while speaking at a news conference that was held in Kamukunji.

In a forceful declaration, Raila stated that they had used the provisions of the Constitution in order to initiate a large-scale peaceful movement of disobedience against an unlawful administration. The Kamukunji Grounds were the location when this statement was read out loud.

On Tuesday, a significant group of Azimio’s supporters congregated at the Kamukunji grounds in preparation for an advisory meeting with party leaders.

Since President Ruto took office, the head of Azimio has always addressed supporters at the grounds whenever he has returned from a trip overseas. This has been a tradition ever since President Ruto took office. This custom was started not long after President Ruto assumed his position.

Music and dances were performed for the supporters as they waited for the leaders of Azimio to arrive so that they would not become bored while they waited.

The event that is taking place today is taking place against the backdrop of major defeats that Raila has suffered, particularly in Parliament, when his troops were unable to muster the requisite numbers to derail President Ruto’s agenda. These failures have taken place in the context of the rally that is taking place today.

According to Kenya’s former prime minister, the country is in risk of falling under the control of power brokers, which would result in the nation’s enslavement.

Raila’s forces were not successful in their efforts to delay the passage of the Finance Bill 2023, put a stop to the process for the recruitment of electoral commissioners, or have their way in forcing by-elections for rebel members of parliament. Raila’s forces also were not successful in their attempts to have their way in forcing by-elections for rebel members of parliament.

Followers of Azimio la Umoja were waiting for him with open arms as soon as he arrived at Kamkunji Grounds. Raila is getting closer to the platform, and there are hundreds of people encircling the convoy he is driving in as he gets closer.

by: Hotandtrending

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