Government spokesman, Cyrus Oguna found himself in trouble this morning, after Shaffie Weru came across a clip of him urging Kenyans to stop complaining and support the government.
In the clip, Oguna is heard comparing Kenya’s taxes to Europe’s taxes saying that the taxes people pay in Europe is nothing compared to what Kenyans are paying.
That definitely didn’t augur well with the Raverend who had to ask Mr. Oguna to respect him as a tax paying citizen.
“The reason why I came storming in is very simple, because this guy is delusional. I respect he is doing his job but don’t disrespect me by comparing my life with the life of people in a first world country.” Said Shaffie.
If he had compared me to Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi any of the countries in the region, cool. And then he goes further and says we should support the government.
Shaffie argues that we cannot have a begging government that begs from China and it’s own people. He says he doesn’t pay taxes to support the government but because it is the law.
He went on to rant about how he only supports people who do things for him.
Wacha hivo, they have sent people to Dubai. Jicho Pevu (Nyali MP Mohammed Ali) is in Dubai and I’m wondering if you have money to waste like that, and you are asking me to support you.
Are you my clande are you my chic? I am only supporting people who will do things for me.