Political analyst and a staunch ally of President William Ruto, Prof. Mutahi Ngunyi, took to Twitter on June 26 to challenge former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Ngunyi’s tweet came shortly after Kenyatta issued a press statement urging President Ruto to engage in dialogue with Gen Z protesters opposing the Finance Bill 2024, which includes controversial tax proposals.

Ngunyi questioned Kenyatta’s involvement, stating, “When Kibaki faced a crisis, did Moi issue statements? No! When Uhuru fought with Raila did Kibaki get involved? Zero. Why is Uhuru all over Ruto? Why demean Ruto when in crisis? Uhuru should bagger off! Unless he is the one financing the uprising. This is the problem, people!”

The tweet followed a chaotic day where Gen Z protesters stormed Parliament, causing significant damage and setting fires. The situation escalated further when police responded with force, resulting in over 100 casualties. In his statement, Kenyatta emphasized the importance of dialogue, saying, “People are spoken to, not at.”

The exchange highlights the tension between the current and former presidents amid a national crisis, raising questions about political motives and responsibility in addressing the unrest.

Source: Mutahi Ngunyi Tweet

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