At least 31 individuals, including 17 children, were freed by police after being held at the Nakuru, Kenya, house of a suspected cult leader.

The captives were kept in a home owned by 62-year-old Hellen Wanjiru Weri.The home is situated in Kihingo ward’s Kamwene ‘B’ village, Mugumini sub-location, and Lusiru location.

According to a police record from April 27 that Citizen Digital was able to view, a mother whose daughter left her new job to go to Weri’s house raised the alarm.

Leah Cherono, 35, who she had hired to work as a community health nurse and who had four children, was being held captive inside the home, according to Rosemary Tuwei, 66, who called the police.

Tuwei stated Cherono was supposed to report to work on April 26 but she refused to accompany her husband there.

She was later discovered to have supposedly been imprisoned in Weri’s home together with 30 other people, the youngest of whom was two years old and the oldest of whom was 59.

Army Rurwama is the name of the ‘church’ that Weri is allegedly in charge of operating without a license.

The DCC Njoro sub-county, SCCIO Njoro sub-county, CIPU commander Njoro sub-county, and ASTU Likia-based commander all made visits to the scene.

The populace was seen conversing, fasting, and praying. They were saved, brought to the police station, and then freed while the inquiry got started.

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by: MsLK


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