Mpasho interviewed Anita Nderu yesterday during a cooking competition that she had entered. The first question we obviously asked her was, why she loved food?
“Obviously we need food to survive. I love eating food, making food. I am a foodie is very many different ways. I find it therapeutic putting recipes together.”
Does she have a favourite food she loves cooking? “I am really good with pasta dishes. That’s usually my go-to whenever I am trying to cook anything and I am 100% sure it’s going to turn out great, it is always pasta dishes.”
What was her goal in the competition? “To win!” she said enthusiastically. Adding;
“One of my favourite things about competitions like this is that you get to learn to make different recipes. So you kind of expand your pallete and your knowledge and you get to pick up different tidbits from other contestants. So even if I do not win, I get to walk out of here with more knowledge than I came with.”
What was her opinion on alcohol-infused food? “It’s great. It’s amazing cause I have played around with alcohol in food before, if you get it right and you get ingredients that complement the alcohol you are using, then it is a hit every time.”


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