Children are gift from God and they are supposed to be cared for.However a single ailing mother from Nyamache Kisii sub county is seeking for justice after her two children were defiled by a man in the area.

Her children a boy and a girl were defiled.She narrated that her son on his way from school was defiled by the man and after that threatened him with a knife.He then asked him to smoke bhang and tied him with a rope on a tree.

She also told the media that her seven year old daughter was defiled while going to fetch firewood.

She is asking the government for assistance because she reported the man to the police station but no action was taken.

Her two children are now infected with diseases and she has no money to cater for them.The area chief has promised her that they will find the culprit and investigations will continue.

by: VirginiaAuma

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